School Traffic Safety

School Traffic Safety

The School Traffic Safety Committee was formed to address the unique school-related traffic safety issues that occur at and near the various Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) facilities within the City of Elk Grove (COEG). The Committee includes representatives from the EGUSD, the COEG, the Elk Grove Police Department and the EGUSD Safety and Security Division.

The primary duty of the committee is to discuss traffic related issues that are affecting the community and to look for effective solutions to solve or mitigate these problems by using the following methods:

  • Education: teaches students important safety skills and launches driver safety campaigns.
  • Encouragement: uses events and contests to entice students to try walking and biking.
  • Engineering: focuses on creating physical improvements to the infrastructure surrounding the school, reducing speeds and establishing safer crosswalks and pathways.
  • Enforcement: uses local law enforcement to ensure drivers obey traffic laws.
  • Evaluation: includes monitoring and documenting outcomes, attitudes and trends through the collection of data before and after the intervention(s). All approaches benefit from evaluation to sustain and improve.

Information related to the committee's activities will be posted on the EGUSD and COEG websites. If you have concerns or requests regarding traffic safety at or near an EGUSD facility, please contact the Traffic Safety Committee by sending an email to

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